[KLUG Advocacy] Re: [KLUG Members] White House to Propose System for Wide Monitoring of Internet

Robert G. Brown advocacy@kalamazoolinux.org
Sat, 21 Dec 2002 20:23:46 -0500

>>The subject line is the title of the article at:
>It will succeed - in making lots of beaurocrats, wall steeters, IT companies
>and consultants quite wealthy.
I have my doubts. IMO the folks at 1600 Pennsy are going to get visited by 
the boys from Ft. Meade. They're going to givethe Texans a talkin' to..
a DC talkin' to. These lectures feature words like "intractable", and 
"minimal probability", and let's not forget "constitutionally questionable".
PPerhaps the Bushites would feel OK about riding roughshod over one of those 
conditions, but rarely all three.

>Which, lets be honest, is really the whole point anyway.  "National security"
>is a diversion for adjusting economic policy.
Um, they don't need it, therefor I challenge this notion. "National Security" 
is self-justification; I fear what it may be used to justify. I know we have
spent billions to prevent what happend on 9/11/2001, and at the same time I 
doubt we'll see a repitition of that. In Vietnam, we destroyed villages in
oder to save them. Part of this war is being "fought" right here, and  the 
villages aren't overseas....

>Beyond that.... it's call "encryption" people.  Capture my data streams, go
>ahead, and have fun doing it.
Oh, they'll outlaw this, if they're serious about persuing any policy that
purports to "police" the net in the US. I think of encryption policy as a
kind of canary...when it falls over we'll know the jongoists and the 
simple-answer people have made a succesful grab for the policy controls.

>"We don't have anybody that is able to look at the entire picture,"
They're only starting to learn about this. Let us hop they learn weel
before they atart making policy.

>a) It is one MIGHTY BIG picture.
Rhus will come the lecture, as above, when the guys out at Meade come downtown
and heave Dubya's boys into the 1990's, this is going to be one of the very
first points they malke.

>b) It isn't a "picture", it is a high-action IMAX movie.  The "picture"
>   changed while I was typing this sentance.  Good luck.
True enough, but as such, not a bariier. Lots of things are very dynamic
and can be secured. I take a dim view of anyone trying to do this from the
top down, and it's not really going to stop the folks they want to stop from 
doinfg what they want to do.

							---> RGB <---

Who would sure like to see the connection between Vessey & West St.,
this announcement, and what we're going to do in about a month....