[KLUG Members] ISO C++ forbids

Matt Scott members@kalamazoolinux.org
07 Aug 2002 22:22:54 -0400

On Mon, 2002-08-05 at 10:29, Peter Buxton wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 06:38:40AM -0400, Adam Williams wrote:
> > I'm getting the following error:
> > extint.cpp:8: ISO C++ forbids defining types within return type
> > extint.cpp:8: return type specification for constructor invalid
> You might be getting a spurious error message triggered by real
> problems but obscured by trivial ones.
> > using namespace std;
> > class extint {
> >   public:
> >     extint();
> >     extint(int v);
> Why not add 'void' returns to these functions?

The two functions are constructors and the last time I checked
constructors have no return type by definition in C++, not even void.

Anyway in case you haven't figured it out yet it looks like you have
fallen victim to something that I do ALL the time.  You forgot the
semicolon following the last } in your class definition, i.e. it should
like like this.

using namespace std;
class extint {
    extint(int v);
    void operator=(int &v);
    void print(ostream *os);
    void set(int v);
    int get();
    string str();
    int value;
 }; // Don't forget the ; here

It doesn't show up until later because it isn't until that point that
you do something that is illegal to have inside a class definition.  The
compiler thinks the class def keeps going after the final }.  

Have fun!
