[KLUG Members] Re: Latest SUSE stability? -- It's always RedHat with Ext3 or XFS for me ...

Bryan J. Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 15:51:07 -0500 (EST)

Quoting Adam Williams <awilliam@whitemice.org>:
> Nope.  One can only be on so many lists.  This is news, I'll go look.  I
> was going based upon the fact that their FAQ said there would be no 
> further editions of the anaconda installer.  Maybe never isn't that
> long?

Well, SGI has been taking more and more "donated" packages.  Maybe it's not
theirs?  I just know the last one I saw (a few weeks ago) was an XFS 1.2-PR3
installer for RedHat 8.0.

> Right used that lots of times.

There's really no excuse for RedHat not to support XFS, it does everything Ext3
does and more.  But if they ship it in the installer, they have to support it. 
And I guess they don't want to support XFS yet, maybe out of sheer "support load?"

> Hey, whats a release without bugs?  We'd probably have to call that AIX,
> and charge a whole heap of money.

Well, I remember when RedHat .0 releases were just a mess of new technologies. 
Now it seems _even_they_ are treating .0 releases as "test" releases.  Oh well,
even FreeBSD does the same with their .0 releases.

> Whats a conversation without jabs?  I could jab users, but thats so
> done.  And I've started just to feel sorry for the poor things.
> Another option would be obscure religious figures and people, from
> my Latin studies, but nobody gets those.  I try to spread my
> jabbings out on an equal opportunity basis - but someone froze
> my ability to do electronic fund transactions, and they won't tell
> me why,  so I am feeling a bit cavalier these days.  And if you had
> to live here in the heart of the Zondervan dominion you'd better
> understand the need to vent any way possible;  but housing is

The problem is that they lead to off-topic spiels (like mine forthcoming ;-).

Besides, I get enough Liberal rhetoric from the TV.  And the Liberals say "talk
radio is evil" because its Conservative and want to censor it.  Ha!

> Thanks..... I think.

There are "Democrats," and I respect their views.  But they are few.
There are emotionally-driven "Liberals," who are the most common.
And then there are those of emotional non-sense combined with political-convience .

I call those people "Decas Sensational" or, more commonly, "Gorons":  

"Gorons," of which Al Gore is the savior.  My favorite (paraphrased)?

[ From this Week With David Brinkley in 1992 ... ]

      Al Gore:  "And President Bush lied to the American people when he raised

Sam Donaldson:  "Now wait a second But Mr. Gore.  Were you not one of the major
drafters of the Bush tax increase, and would not sign his budget, which did not
have a tax increase originally, without a tax increase until he added it?  And
the resulting deadlock resulted in the federal government stalling several times
during his administration, and putting a very negative shadow on Mr. Bush?"
      Al Gore:  "Er, yes, yes I was.  But that doesn't excuse his lying to the
American people."

> Nope.  I believe in the universal right to LUG participation!
> No matter how annoying, so long as there isn't clear violation
> of the list charter. 

Agreed.  And I often find those who want to execute such actions are some of the
worst abusers themselves.  I'll admit I'm a jerk at times, and abrassive in my
tone.  But it's far worse to hurt someone professionally, and then not admit it.
 I don't "cross the line" when it comes to someone's ability to eat, unlike this

A major problem is when someone uses a "loophole" in a bylaw to remove his
"critics."  One such move was to call anything I said as "slander," even though
it was proven as true, and remove me from the list without a leadership vote
(again, due to a small "loophole" in the bylaws).

Of course, he never admitted he denied me various access to LUG resources (like
the phone number for a head hunter that contacted him c/o the LUG), and used the
501c3 LUG for his own self-employment gain (several times).  But I never wanted
him banned for that in return, because that would just be out of spite in return
(I don't play that game).  He's also managed to slander various Linux-friendly
companies out of his utter ignorance, and then tried to ban me when I criticized
those statements.

But I've already talked enough "off-topic" here.

Bryan J. Smith, E.I.             Contact Info:  http://thebs.org
A+/i-Net+/Linux+/Network+/Server+  CCNA CIWA CNA SCSA/SCWSE/SCNA
The reason why Microsoft is so successful is because they fooled
an overwhelming majority of people into thinking there is such a
thing as a "free lunch."  The DOJ case has arisen from those
same consumers who won't accept the fact that they were respon-
sible for locking themselves into only one company's products.