[KLUG Members] smb says wins has died

Orien Vandenbergh members@kalamazoolinux.org
29 Jul 2002 10:14:27 -0400

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Well Samba isn't my strong point, but I can answer a couple of your
questions for you.

On Sun, 2002-07-28 at 18:40, bill wrote:
> What does the 1/24 mean at the end of  IP addresses 1 thr=
> 24?

The /24 does identify a range, but not in the way you are thinking it
does.  The /NN indicates the number of bits (starting from the front of
the ip address) that are to remain fixed.  So since each number between
dots is an octet or byte of of 8 bits, the /24 means that the first
three numbers should remain fixed, but that the last byte (.1) can
included any number (1 through 255).  A /32 netmask indicates just that
one IP address, and a /8 would indicate a class A address.

> Still wondering how to solve the problem, though.  Binding samba to eth0 =
> and keeping it off of eth1 entirely.  Somehow I need to account for 127.0=

My guess would be something like this:

interfaces =3D eth0 lo
But again, I don't know what I'm talking about as far as that is

> Term translation:  what does PDC and ISC mean in the text below?

ISC =3D Internet Software Consortium, they're the group that wrote BIND
and DHCPD and INN.

I hope this has helped to shed some light on your questions...


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