[KLUG Members] Ameritech dsl

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
31 May 2002 19:44:14 -0400

>I'm using Ameritech DSL at home, company now pays for it.  I use VPN all the 
>time with a dynamic IP, never had a problem.  Using a Linky 4-Port DSL Router.

Yes, I have a dynamic (sometimes VERY dynamic) IP with Earth-Stink,  and
I use a VPN (or multiple) constantly.  But the PPPoe connection gets
whacked like every twelve hours (assuming the circuit stays up that
long).  If you need to move large amounts of data or monitor process
that take a LONG time having your VPN connection bounce is a real PITA.

Some sites also require that one tell them what IP they will be coming
from as they use that as the first level of security screen.  In the
case of dynamic IPs that is pretty tough, obviously.  I think this is a
pretty cheesy security measure,  but one has to cope with stupidity like

>I signed up with A'tech way back in the day here in Chicago when they were 
>using Westell Wirespeed modems which use Ethernet connects.  I'm not sure 
>which modem they are shilling but I bet it's a POS USB modem.  I believe they 
>are very open on equipment now so I would just buy an Ethernet DSL modem (I 
>love the Westell Wirespeed by the way, been very reliable for me for over 2 
>years) and you will be Linux compatible.

The SpeedStream models from Efficient Networks also work very well. I'm
currently using the ZyXEL Prestige 600 provided by Earthstink,  and it
works...  as well as Earthstink does.  I liked the SpeedStream better,
as it had an ATM light.  In shopping for a DSL model I'd look for ones
with good diagnostic indicators as you can have a DSL carrier with no
data "in" it.  Modems lacking good lights leave you little choice but to
trust your providers word that it isn't a line problem.... not a
situation anyone familiar with telco's wants to be in.

>Been using Mandrake with it forever and it works fine.  I suggest getting the 
>router because then your PC isn't doing the PPPoE work, the router does and 
>then it won't make a difference what OS you are using -- the box sees it as a 
>network connect.

I've used PPPoe with both RedHat and floppyfw and both work fine 
(although I still don't get the point of anything other than straight