[KLUG Members] Linux+ Certified

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 08:30:41 -0400 (EDT)

>Well I just took the Linux+ certification test today and passed!!! 
>Most of the test focused on command line stuff.  There was a fair
>amount of questions that are more of a Server+ type question (about
>35-40%).  There were several questions on things about logs and error
>logging.  I have a feeling that most of you that post on the list
>could crank out a passing score pretty easy.  For the most part the
>questions were pretty straight forward.  There were a couple that
>were somewhat unclear but not because they were trying to be tricky
>like in Microsoft tests.  
>Overall I would have to say it is a good test and a good litmus test
>on if a person is a good beginning Linux admin type.  You had to be
>more than a casual "I fired it up this last weekend" type to pass the

Where did you take it?

What was the cost?

What were your motivations for seeking certification?  What do you expect 
will be the pragmatic result of possessing certification?

I've been going back and forth in my mind concerning Linux certification.  
But most of my "certification" experience is with working with MCSEs who 
couldn't window there way out of a glass house, so I've become skeptical.  
But at the same time I can see in some situations where it might be nice 
to have some letters to plant after my name.