[KLUG Members] Meeting 2002-06-18 - Ethernet and IP networks

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 04:00:04 -0400

An intermidate level overview of Ethernet, the worlds most common LAN
technology, and IP, the protocol that makes the Internet go.
Understanding Ethernet and IP is essential to troubleshooting in todays
networked world. Presentation includes example commands for UNIX/Linux,
Microsoft Windows, Cisco IOS, and Nortel CLI. 

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Coming to three meetings qualifies you as a full member of KLUG, meaning 
that you can participate in the process of making formal decisions, including 
voting for officers.

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Our meeting place, THIS TUESDAY at 7 PM is:

The Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce in beautiful downtown Kalamazoo.

Maps and directions can be found at

All are welcome.

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The KLUG web site is:
