[KLUG Members] KLUG affiliate programs?

Paul VandenBosch members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 09:15:45 -0400 (EDT)

Now that KLUG has the non-profit status and can start "earning" money to
support the cause, I suggest that the group join affiliate programs such
as amazon.com and other pc related vendors.
If the group website was used to recommend certain books or pc
hardware/systems, this could be very useful to new members and could bring
in some cash as well.
For example, I am looking for a basic linux box but don't have much time
or knowledge to find the best product and deal on a linux compatible box. 
I'm pretty lazy too. If some of the local experts were to recommend a box
sold by an affiliate program vendor with x, y and z components as a
reliable product that will perform well and is also a good deal, that
would be very helpful to someone without a lot of hardware knowledge. 
KLUG would benefit from the knowledge and advice of its members.
Same goes for books.  If you are going to buy a book from amazon, you have
to enter amazon somehow, as a member why not use an affiliate link from
your own group?
Just a thought.

Paul VandenBosch
Guide to Sailing and Cruising Stories