[KLUG Members] spamcop

Gettig,Tony members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 12:14:16 -0500

Is it possible that spamcop.net is wrong? At work, we have
 extensively tested, retested, patched, tested, and did I
 mention tested, for open relay ability and I believe we
 are OK. In fact, every open relay blacklist shows our
 server as just fine EXCEPT spamcop.net. Emails to the guy
 that runs it (and his replies) are nearly pointless, for
 reasons I won't disclose on a mailing list.

The server in question is mail.kalamazoo.k12.mi.us. It is
 running GroupWise GWIA for the MTA. spamcop shows an
 actual spam header with our mail server IP address info. I
 don't see how anyone is actually using our server for
 spam, but there it is. Could that address have been forged
 somehow? I've been pulling my hair out for about a week
 and half, and anyone who knows me kows there's not much
 hair there! :) 

One idea I had was to put a Linux server in the mix for the
 sole purpose of SMTP and get the GWIA out of the way. That
 is being considered by higher powers, but so are other

Pointers in the right direction are appreciated. TIA!

Tony Gettig