[KLUG Members] list serv

John Bridleman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:03:33 -0400

* bob@acm.org (bob@acm.org) wrote:
> >I was wondering what is the list serv of choice for the gurus on this
> >list?  I am currently using Sendmail for my mta on a red hat 7.3 box.
> > I was thinking about majordomo but am not sure yet....
> Majordomo is overkill for lots of stuff. I prefer to use SMARTLIST for
> most of these applications, unless they are very big. Another good one
> is what KLUG uses now, called MAILMAN. KLUG converted to mailman for
> some features, but SMARTLIST is certainly capable of handling the load.
We went to mailman because it had a a lot of neat features that smartlist just didn't have. For example, the archiving is much better, IMHO.
John Bridleman / www.bridleman.org