[KLUG Members] Need Advice/Ideas - Sendmail / SMTP Proxy /MTA

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
26 Jun 2002 17:02:43 -0400

>Can sendmail or some other mail proxy or ? do the following?

Of course.

>I need to convert the name of all email attachments that have the "/"
>characters in them, I want to substitute another character in its place.
>MacIntosh users that send us files don't know any better and it would 
>be politically incorrect for me to smack them if they were within

You want to use a milter.  A milter is an external processes that
sendmail streams incoming messages through.  Arbitrary things can be to
the messages at that point, typically scanning for virii, lopping off
illegal attachments (.pif, etc..).  There are lots of milters available.
>I currently have a linux box that is a hub (router, no local mailboxes)
>running sendmail, would consider  other MTAs (was thinking of using
>Postfix and SpamAssassin), now this came up.

Sendmail will do this handily.  Just plug in spamcop support while your
at it and watch the SPAM bounce off your server.