[KLUG Members] PHP vulnerability; and differences between different versions.

Adam Bultman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 20:07:50 -0500 (EST)

Okay, I've got a legitimate question here:

My fellow co-worker and I have a bit of the jitters because of the new PHP
vulnerability.  So, we are thinking of upgrading, but I'm afraid patching
didn't work on our server.  This means one of two things:
1. Somehow I tried to run the patch wrong
2. It won't work anyhow, and I need to upgrade.

So, if 2. is what I have to deal with, what are the differences between
PHP 4.0.6 and 4.1.1?  I've read the changelogs, and I don't find too much
regarding function changes (e.g. pg_connect() between php4.0.6 and
php4.1.2 changes, and and when I made a 'test' server, all code with that
function blew up).

So: have you upgraded yet?  Have other things blown up?  I'd hate for my
production web servers to functionally explode.  Or aren't you worried?


Have a day.

Adam Bultman
[ http://www.glaven.org ]