[KLUG Members] Re: How do I display PDF files -- "nppdf.so" plugin

Adam Williams6 members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 17:27:19 -0500 (EST)

>>I've never been able to get PDF-inside-the-browser (one thing I covet of the
>>Win32 users).  Does it work for anyone here?  If so I'd like to ask 
>>questions about your config.  I have gv, plugger, galeon, etc...  I wonder if I
>>have the "netscape pdf plugin", does this come with acroread?
>Yes!  Copy (or symlink) this file (from your Acrobat4 directory --
>assuming you have it installed ;-):
>   ./Acrobat4/Browsers/intellinux/nppdf.so
>To any Netscape/Mozilla plug-in directory.  Usually these are:
>   /usr/share/Netscape/plugin
>   /usr/share/Mozilla/plugin
>Sometimes there are multiple Mozilla directories under /usr/share, so
>look at the date/version.
>All plug-ins you setup in Mozilla automatically work in Galeon.

Doh!!!! Double Doh!!!

It works now, really pretty!  Ahhh....

I had Acrobat 4.0, but for libc5.  Apparently when trying to
dynamically load into a glibc6 browser/environment that no
work so well. 

I routed all traces of acroread out of my system,  then grabbed
the acroread-4.05-6.i386.rpm of rpmfind.org, installed that,
copied the plugin (nppdf.so) to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
Openned a PDF URL with Galeon, and lo and behold....

Shoot me, stuff me, mount me.  That was way to easy.

Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS