[KLUG Members] Re: Loki Woes

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
03 Mar 2002 10:01:43 -0500

>>>>Now Descent 2 on the other hand had some problems.
>>>Get the updates for Descent.  And isn't it Descent 3?  ;-P
>>>>The installer from the machine couldn't fine bin/x86/heretic2,
>>>The installer in Heretic 2 _is_ broken.  Get the updated one.
>>>You got two of Loki's early 3D attempts.  They drastically improved the
>>>installer by the time most of their other titles came out.
>>I assume I find these somewhere on Loki's website?
>Ok, found them,  under support not downloads. And they bounced me over
>to a mirror on tucows.

I grabbed updates ("blah.blah.run") and the updates against RT2 work, 
but fail against the H2 install,  I assume because the installer hacked
it up.  But I cannot find a new "installer".

I also tried loki_update but seems unable to find any updates,  quite
possibly because Loki is gone and it is trying to download from their

An URL for the new installer would be very much appreciated.