[KLUG Members] Postfix relay_domain question

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 13:37:01 -0500

 "Bob Kanaley" <rvk@agdia.com> wrote:
>Management has request that I forward company email to a semi-retired
>employee's home email account at Yahoo.

I assume you're running sendmail. You can provide redirection by modifying
one file (and opening yourself up to nothing else -- make no other changes)
called /etc/mail/virtusertable. Lines of that file look like:

targetuser@my.domain	destuser@that.domain

and thenever a message for targetuser@my.domain is received, sendmail will
forward it to destuser@that.domain. Change the file for your addresses, restart
sendmail (or send it a signal to reload its files), and you're done.

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