[KLUG Members] Re: duplicating floppy disk -- "dd"

Bryan J. Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
13 Mar 2002 09:49:38 -0500

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 09:40, Rusty Yonkers wrote:
> I have several floppy disks that I have to
> periodically create duplicates of for my students.  Is
> there an easy way in Linux to create an image of a
> floppy and then create duplicates from that image? 
> Will it work with bootable floppys?

   dd if=/dev/fd0 of=./myfd.img
   dd if=./myfd.img of=/dev/fd0

Or this one (assume /dev/hda1 is a FAT12/16/32 partition):
   dd if=/dev/hda1 of=./dosboot.sec
   dd if=./dosboot.sec of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc

You'll also find this interesting:
   dd if=/dev/cdrom of=./mycd.iso
   cdrecord mycd.iso

"dd" is considered to be a "killer app" of UNIX, despite its basic
premise, especially for computer forensics.  It is the _only_ utility
that _guarantees_ a 1:1 copy -- _unlike_ most utilities for other OSes.

-- Bryan

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Bryan J. Smith, Engineer       mailto:b.j.smith@ieee.org
SmithConcepts, Inc.         http://www.SmithConcepts.com
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