[KLUG Members] fonts

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:38:30 -0500

>>Yes.  And do the mkfontdir, mkttfdir, etc...
>>I'd move "/usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType" to the top of the list. 
>Did that. Seems to work just fine. Thanks.

Can you "see" the difference?

>BTW, I didn't (and still don't) have a ttinfo.dir and ttname.dir. DO I need
>to create these and how?

I don't think you need them.  I nosed and am pretty certain these are relics
(last updated Jan 31, 1998).  I haven't installed on my wokstation since Redhat
4.something so alot of dead stuff is lying about rather like ear-hair on an old
man.  In fact, I discovered xfsft still running on port 7101,  from days before
RH supported TTF.  Hmmm, I think this box needs some going through.... maybe
next year. :)

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