[KLUG Members] Meeting 2002-03-19 - <b>APL</b>:<b>A P</b>rogramming <b>L</b>anguage

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 04:00:03 -0500

Programming looks tough, tedious, or simply too much of a chore? Instead
of spending a lot of time wading through declarations, control
structures, and a lot or artificial syntax, wouldn't you prefer
programming the same way you think? If you even suspect that the answer
is YES, you cannot afford to miss a good look at APL. Developed as a
kind of notation, APL is blessedly free of many of the characteristics
of programming that force you to think in terms of how the machine
works, rather than how people see problems. People who use APL span many
professions, and acheive extremely high levels of productivity in
problem solving. APL has been used to prototype many of the most widely
used systems in the computer industry, and is the "secret weapon" of
organizations and productive people right here in Kalamazoo and around
the world. This presentation is a sampler of APL, how it works, and what
it can do for you. Additional materials (books and software) are also

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Coming to three meetings qualifies you as a full member of KLUG, meaning 
that you can participate in the process of making formal decisions, including 
voting for officers.

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Our meeting place, THIS TUESDAY at 7 PM is:

The Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce in beautiful downtown Kalamazoo.

Maps and directions can be found at

All are welcome.

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The KLUG web site is:
