[KLUG Members] qmail

Richard Zimmerman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 10:33:54 -0500 (EST)

> You need something similair to the generics and virtual users table in 
> sendmail which allow address re-writing.  Search the qmail docs for
> those things to see if you can find them  (they must have such and
> animal).  If you have LDAP support LDAP mail routing and the
> inetLocalMailRecipient objectclassare a much easier may to handle this 
> (IMHO).

   In the /var/qmail/alias you can create a forwarding file for a user / 
name. The /var/qmail/alias directory is a global redirector. If I have a 
user goose and want to redirect ANY mail for ANY domain for goose to 
another address, then I create a file /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-goose (the 
.qmail is VERY important). Inside that file I simply enter the forwarding 
address: goose@some.place.com and save it.

   If you have installed the .forward module for Qmail, then the user only 
needs to edit his or her .forward file to specify where that want the mail 
to go to.

   As for the same person at two seperate domains getting mail, can't help 
you there. I haven't dug into Qmail that far to find out. Look at:

http://www.lwq.net (Life with Qmail) website. I might have the url wrong. 
I'm remote at the moment and don't have access to my links. The life with 
Qmail website is the "bible" for Qmail help.

Hopes some of this helps...
