[KLUG Members] LDAP Presentation Updated

Adam Williams6 members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:57:53 -0500 (EST)


I've uploaded a new version of the LDAP presentaion.

1. Requires Adobe Acrobat 4 or later 
2. Additional information on replication including rejection logs
3. Information on several more third party utilities
3.a. HAD
3.b. Kbrowser
3.c. CPU (useradd, userdel, etc... replacements)
3.d. GNARWL (an LDAP powered e-mail responder)
3.e. more misc utilities
4. Some hierarchy diagrams of the common schemas
5. Updated Samba information, 2.2.3a
6. Coverage of the DNSZone schema for use with bind
7. Note on upcoming structural/auxilliary schema problem (*READ THIS*)
8. Myriad of type and spelling fixes

Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS