[KLUG Members] IPCOP

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 08:55:15 -0500 (EST)

>> ok, I'm brain dead... again. The FAQ is obvious on this point: 
>>Download ip_masq_ipsec.o, Copy the file...
>>well, my gray matter shut down... how do I get this file on the IPCOP 
>>machine?  I can't ge the format of scp correct
>>I'm trying scp vanallp@paul:/home/vanallp/ip_masq_ipsec.o root@ipcop:
>>running the scp cmd in the secure shell in ipcop... I get ..no such file 
>>or directory... where am I going wrong?
>1)  You need to turn on SSH in the web configuration interface.
>2)  SSH runs on a non-standard port on IPCOP (222) 
>    You must supply the port # as a parameter on each ssh/scp command.

What is the rationale?  Are they running sshd as non-root or in a chroot 
jail? Or just to try and confuse port scanners?

>3)  You must do each ssh/scp command as user "root", or specify the 
>    the userid "root" as a parameter to each command.
> Plus, your scp format is wrong.  Lose the user/host on the infile.

If he has sshd running on his local box and vanallp@paul is his local user 
and host name it should still work to specify it, yes?  I've used scp to 
do third party transfers lots of times, but never a third party from my 
own box.

Definition -
1st party - Localhost--->Remote
1st party - Remote--->Localhost
3rd party - (Remote--->Remote) scp issued on Localhost