[KLUG Members] Fwd: FC: City of Battle Creek wants to imprison an anti-spam activist

John Bridleman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:10:03 -0500

* Jamie McCarthy (jamie@mccarthy.vg) wrote:
> This isn't really Linux-related, but the town just down the road
> from us has hit the international spotlight.  The Battle Creek
> city government was running a buggy, closed-source mail server which
> has the unfortunate habit of crashing when fed perfectly normal data
> (not a good habit for a server designed to accept connections from
> anywhere).
> When an anti-spammer connected to their servers to test them, a
> crash resulted, and the Battle Creek city government decided it
> would be good to file charges against the anti-spammer, who then
> promptly ceased operations.
> Wow.
I read about Orbz shutting down but I didn't know it was Battle Creek that was going to be filing charges against him.

If I remember correctly my state Senator also has the Battle Creek area. You might know him, he's running for Governor. Time to call his office, educate him and see if he can help.
John Bridleman / www.bridleman.org