[KLUG Members] Galeon & Plug-ins

John Bridleman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 21:06:17 -0500

* Adam Williams (awilliam@whitemice.org) wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 20:02, John Bridleman wrote:
> So the plugin for real audio handles the extension "rpm".  But what if
> someone is using ram as their extension, as in -
> I know this is real audio as I've played it with trplayer.  Any way to
> force a plugin to handle a given extension?

I don't think you want the "plugin" to handle it. You want RealPlayer to play it. 

My galeon pops up a box that asks me what I want to do with that MIME type (audio/x-pn-realaudio). 

I tell it to "View with helper application" and check the box for "Always do the same with this type of file". 

Then on the next screen if realplay isn't listed in your GNOME helpers select "Other application" and browse to realplay. Mines in "/usr/bin/X11/realplay" Select "Always use this helper in the future" so you won't be asked again.
John Bridleman / www.bridleman.org