[KLUG Members] IMP problem.

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
26 Mar 2002 10:43:40 -0500

> >>>>I've used PHPGroupWare before, and that was a very nice and comprehensive
> >>>>package (calendars, resource management, forums, file sharing, etc...)  
> >little concerned:  "This program is currently in the beta stages, and is
> >intended for developers."
> >Any idea how usable it is really?
> It has said that for about two years now.  I used it for quite awhile and 
> didn't have one problem.  It got quite a bit of press for awhile and then 
> oddly seemed to fall off everybodies radar.

I tried the online demo last night.  The "stable" version crashed on me
while trying to login as guest.  The unstable/cvs version seemed to work
okay for the little time I used it.

It is very impressive (the version that worked :)  but may be overkill
for what I'm looking for.  Most employees here use IMAP or POP3 to my
email server, and this is just a backup interface in case they are
traveling or using someone else's computer.

> >I'll agree that IMP is nice, but I've always dreaded updating to a new
> >version.  Especially since it consists of multiple packages.
> It is a pain to install, and 3.x has a whole PILE of dependencies.  
> Reminds me of GNOME before Ximian.

Yes, I've always dreaded upgrading the a newer version.  Especially when
a security advisory was issued and I needed to do the upgrade fast.

I've also had trouble with the IMP upgrades not working sometimes, then
I would have to upgrade my version of PHP or something.  YUCK!

> >If all you need is a nice little web based email package, squirrelmail
> >is very nice.  You simply untar it and run a curses based install
> >program which lets you modify the few config parameters to tell it where
> >your servers are, etc.  The docs say all that it requires is Apache,
> >IMAP, and PHP version 4.0.2 or greater.  Nothing special like IMP.
> >If you have a large installation, squirrel mail supports Postgresql and
> >Mysql databases.  HOWEVER, if you don't, it keeps users preferences and
> >address book in text files by default, so no extra config is necessary! 
> >I had it installed and working in record time, the first time I tried!
> >Very slick!
> >Updating to a new version is also very easy.  You simply untar the new
> >version, run the 2 minute config program, and copy over the user text
> >files to the new directory.
> Nice.

The more I learn about squirrelmail, the MORE I LIKE IT!

I found it has about 90 "plugins" to add functionality, which IMO makes
it more powerful than IMP!  Installing a plugin is also easy.  You
simply untar it in the plugin/ subdirectory, and turn it on with the
curses-based config program.  And the standard install of squirrelmail
comes with a dozen or so of the most popular plugins.  After turning
those on and adding a couple others, I have a pretty decent mail system!

My favorite plugin is the "spamcop" interface.  It adds a button so you
can report spam through spamcop.net with a single click!  :-)

I'm actually looking forward to the next version of squirrelmail.   :-)

Bruce Smith                bruce@armintl.com
System Administrator / Network Administrator
Armstrong International, Inc.
Three Rivers, Michigan  49093  USA