[KLUG Members] RedHat 7.3 Available - on CD from KLUG!

Bryan J. Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
06 May 2002 15:22:50 -0400

On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 14:15, Bruce Smith wrote:
> Redhat 7.3 is now a THREE CD distribution.  (Doc makes four)
> (the optional source code is an additional two CD's)

Yeah, I saw that!  WTF happened?  To review, this is what RedHat has
done with 7.x:

7.0-1:  2 Binary CDs (with some SRPMS on binary CD #2)
        1 SRPMS CD
        1 Docs CD
        1 Powertools CD (with its own SRPMS)

  7.2:  2 Binary CDs (merged in some, former Powertools stuff)
        2 SRPMS CDs (or was it just 1 SRPMS CD?  If so, how?)
        1 Docs CD

  7.3:  3 binary CDs (???  Haven't seen it yet)
        2 SRPMS CDs
        1 Docs CD

Now what's with 7.3?  Did they bloat it with even more binaries that
used to be on the Powertools CD???  What's up?  Is it going to "bloat
outta control?"  I sure wish they'd go back to the "Powertools"

Heck, we're starting to get to the point where they should put different
things on different CDs.  E.g., Binary #1, KDE/apps on one, Gnome/apps
on another, extra servers/etc... on another.  Who knows, eh?  It's going
to become a "bitch" to download 3-4 CDs when all you need is 1-2 for
most everyone.

-- Bryan

The US government could be 100x more effective, and 1/100th the
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Bryan J. Smith, SmithConcepts, Inc.   mailto:b.j.smith@ieee.org
Engineers and IT Professionals     http://www.SmithConcepts.com