[KLUG Members] SPAM and no HAM

Vernon Jenewein members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 9 May 2002 00:59:12 -0400

On Wednesday 08 May 2002 11:20 pm, you wrote:
> Vernon Jenewein <jenefarm@i2k.com> wrote:
> >Contacted i2k.com and they are looking into it.  Apparently someone must
> >have sent out spam from their domain, and they are not happy about it.
> >Probably will result in their account being shut down.
> Shortly after your first post, Vernon, I checked with the Spamcop website,
> and they reported that your mailserver is blocked. I informed you of this
> via provate e-mail, and got a recipt from you (via acm.org, not directly)
> that you had read that message. I suspect that you tried to reply to me
> directly, but YOUR MESSAGE WAS BLOCKED. The reson for this is that I am
> using the SpamCop blacklist blocking database in my mail server configu-
> ration, which will cause my mail server to REJECT anything that comes from
> a blacklisted mail server.
> The precise purpose of the blacklist is to use the force of a boycott, im-
> plemented via technical means, to pressure an ISP (or other mail server
> operator) to get their act cleaned up. I'm pleased to see that this process
> is running along pretty much to plan. In a week, this mailserver will be
> removed from the blacklist, unless SpamCop continues to get more spam
> reports involving this mail server.
> I encourage all mail server operators to use this feature.
> 							Regards,
> 							---> RGB <---

That's pretty neat!  * I can use that word?? "  *grin*  I get stuff like SPAM 
all the time.  Shift delete keys getting worn down.  Need to buy new Keyboard 
every 4 months, just to replace worn out "SHIFT  DELETE"  keys.. *S*

Yes it's a good thing to block the ISP's that allow that to happen.  Only bad 
part about it is the trouble it gives the 99% GOOD users fits, as not being 
able to communicate.  (please pass the tea bag that I may throw it into the 
Boston Harbor).

This is a good example of a system in place, actually working quite well, and 
doing what's it's supposed to.


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