[KLUG Members] netcat / ipchains?

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
20 May 2002 05:19:02 -0400

>I've got a host that has an ip address on eth0:0 .  I need to forward all
>traffic for that IP to another host.  I've tried using netcat in
>http stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/nc -n -w 3
>$DEST_IP 80
>And that fails, curiously, and now I'm trying IP chains.  However, I feel
>as if I'm missing something very obvious.  Am I?  

iptables offers port forwarding (thats on a 2.4.x kernel).  

I use a utility called nportredird, as it does nice logging, etc...

I've never used netcat