[KLUG Members] StarOffice 6.0 at a BIG DISCOUNT?

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 22 May 2002 10:47:59 -0400 (EDT)

>>Why not partner with other LUGs in this venture and get a more
>>equitable distribution?
>Good idea, except I don't think the distribution license allows that.

The way I read the agreement, it looks to me like that is not an option.
>This is KLUG as a corporation distributing StarOffice.  We do NOT get 
>any special consideration being a LUG or a non-profit organization.

It seems like a pretty clever stratagy on Suns parts.  People WANT Sun to 
charge for SO,  but Sun wants to make it as ubiquitous as possible.  So 
Sun gives **5** seats for every user (basically, you almost can't pirate 
this thing) and from various posts around the internet it looks like 
there will be a myriad of ways to get it for much less than the price Sun 
is "charging".  (Resellers can sell it for almost anything they want, 
educational licenses are free,  promo copies for free sitting all over, 