[KLUG Members] MAC and Linux

Andy members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 09:58:50 -0800 (PST)

I'm currently looking at getting the software I
support (SASIxp) to run under linux. It is a
Windows/MAC database application that is used in K-12
schools for student administration. The nice thing is
when installed it does not do anything to the registry
and holds all DLL files internally in it's own
directory structure. I have not tested it with Wine
yet .. though that is the first place I am going. But
I was wondering more about the MAC executable side..
would it be easier to emulate the MAC environment or
use Wine?? Currently I do have most of the data on
Linux in a DB2 and Oracle Database since those are
also supported by the product.. the problem is once I
move the executables to Linux I will have to somehow
get it to read the SASIxp.ini file to show the path to
the data. I believe Wine will be great help in that
for the Windows side but what about the MAC..
unfortunately I do not have a MAC to test with on my
home network that is why the questions here.. anyone
familiar with setting up linux on a MAC network?? If
so the major problem I have been finding on other
message boards is that  the executables have to be
Locked and no one can seem to figure out how to lock
them on a Linux server.  Sorry for the rambling but
any info would be great

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