[KLUG Members] Re: Ximian Evolution 1.2 -- it's Ximian Gnome

Bryan J. Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
25 Nov 2002 22:00:20 -0500

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On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 08:34, Darrel Ray Clute, III wrote:
> Same here.  Haven't had a problem with 1.2 although I am running MDK
> 9.0.  What distro's are you guys running that are having problems?

Ximian Gnome atop of RedHat 7.3.  I've got issues too.  Looks like the
Ximian team didn't do any fair amount of testing.

The exception handling is a total clusterfsck.  Given the "interesting
correspondence" I've had in reporting "bugs that aren't bugs (?)," I'm
sticking with pure RedHat from now on.

Recommendation:  If you're running Ximian Gnome, do _not_ upgrade to
Evolution 1.2.

Bryan J. Smith, E.I.            Contact Info:  http://thebs.org
A+/i-Net+/Linux+/Network+/Server+ CCNA CIWA CNA SCSA/SCWSE/SCNA
The more government chooses for you, the less freedom you have.

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