[KLUG Members] Package Manager Problems

Robert G. Brown members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 13:27:53 -0500

>Happy Thanksgiving!  
I'll second that!
Today I'm thankful for Debian's "apt" :)

>"apt" is a gorgeous tool that makes two things trivial for any
>internet-connected machine:  installation of any supported package,
>and updates of all installed packages.  Dependencies are handled
>extremely well.
>Since switching to Debian a couple of years ago, I haven't ever
>looked back.  At this point, for any machine that I want to get work
>done on, I would never consider using a unix that doesn't have
>one-line internet-savvy installation and maintenance of packages,
>supported over the whole distribution from the kernel up.

And Thanks! are due to Jamie for this excellent and positive write-up
of apt. We are fortunate as a group to be blessed with so much talent
and diversity; advocates of different distributions existing side-by-
side. Informed choice and diversity are good characteristics of the 
Linux community, and good tools exist as a result of many efforts.

Jamie, I'd like to know how apt handles some critical updates, like
the Kernel itself, or a ciritcal library like libc/glibc. Are there
updates that require a reboot, or is this handled in some particularly
clever way?
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