[KLUG Members] Pesky LDAP

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:47:13 -0400 (EDT)

>OK this works:


>>dn: cn=MyTestUser,ou=AddressBook,dc=microverse,dc=net
>>objectclass: top
>>objectclass: person
>>objectclass: organizationalPerson
>>objectclass: inetOrgPerson
>>givenName: MyTestUser
>>sn: Smith
>>n: MyTestUser Smith
>>displayName: Dude McGnarly
>>mail: Dude@spudly.com
>>telephoneNumber: 509-123-4567
>>homePhone: 509-456-7890
>>facsimileTelephoneNumber: 800-123-0987
>>pager: 900-666-1234
>>mobile: 700-333-4321
>>homePostalAddress: 1313 Test St.
>>postalAddress: 1234 fouth St. #7
>>l: Atlanta
>>st: GA
>>postalCode: 48423
>>title: Dr.
>>ou: Wierdo Dept.
>>o: Acme Widgets
>>description: Notes Go here
>With this command:
>>ldapadd -x -v -D "cn=root,dc=microverse,dc=net" -W -f MyTestUser-AddressBook.ldif 
>But it remains to be seen if clients can use it.  Also I need to verify 
>that I have as many of the fields as I can get for client compatibility.

Most clients support the standard attribues in a pretty straight forward 
way.  I've tested evolution, pine, & eudora.  Turba is configurable.  
Outlook is a very funny beast in what it choses to display,  and there are 
several OpenLDAP FAQ entries about it worth reading (it actually varies by 