[KLUG Members] The living evil of nsupdate

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 02:09:09 -0400

Is it just me, or is nsupdate(8) responsible for all suffering in the

I used to update DNS automatically via Samba: clients would get a
dynamic IP from dhcpd, logon to Samba, and use "wins hook" to call a
script to dynamically update DNS entries. When I upgraded to BINDv9 and
found the DNSSEC documentation a little opaque, I stopped this. dhcpd
doesn't drift much, but I would have to manually update entries in the
zone files. :-(

I just got named-with-DNSSEC working again. What a pain. Now, I used to
issue a bunch of commands to nsupdate so:

 # nsupdate -k Kexample.com.+157+83765.private
 > update add foo.example.com. 3600 IN A
 > update add 3600 IN PTR foo.example.com.
 > # 

An empty <lf>, then ^D to process the commands, then exit. Now each
command must be followed by an empty <lf> or the commands all fail. Does
nsupdate display this behavior in other distros?

This is Ingo's world, we just schedule in it. -- David Nielsen