[KLUG Members] login

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
17 Apr 2003 13:00:52 -0400

> I would like to prevent users from logging in in upper case.  All
> usernames are in lower case but it is still possible to login in upper
> case.  This causes our business software to fail and would like to
> prevent that.  I've done some cheking in pam and man login but have
> failed to find it.  Is anyone aware of how to prevent upper case logins?

Are you using pam_unix or pam_pdb to authenticate users?  The acceptance
of upper/lower case depends upon the authentication module.  For
instance, you can't do a uppercase logon in a Kerberos system.

Is you app getting the username from an environment variable like
LOGNAME or USER?  If so any chance you can rewrite these values in a
script before the application starts?