[KLUG Members] Jeopardy questions

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
29 Apr 2003 11:41:29 -0400

> Hi - I am a member of the NLUG.org group and saw that you have a Jeopardy
> game that you play during one of the meetings you have scheduled.  I'm doing
> something similar for a conference that I'm chairing in two weeks
> (www.setec.us).  I'd like to see if I can get some ideas of the kinds of
> questions that are asked for this and possibly "share" questions - it's
> sometimes hard coming up with good enough ones to use in the game.  Thanks,
> MC

Hello, I'm the program director of KLUG, the question author, and the MC
of your Jeopardy event.

We don't have but a handful of questions for this year yet.

But the questions for 2002 can be found at -

Feel free to make further inquiries, and let us know if you use any of
our questions.