[KLUG Members] Re: Centralized Syslog Server

byte snagger members@kalamazoolinux.org
29 Apr 2003 19:40:51 -0400


You requested a centralized syslog server that will accept syslogs from multiple device types, 
store the logs in a MySQL database, generate scheduled reports, and have a web-based front-end 
to view the logs.  Here are some useful links:

Syslog-ng, URL:  http://www.balabit.com/products/syslog_ng/

"Centralized syslog-ng to mysql database", by Michael Earls, URL:  http://vermeer.org/syslog/

MySQL, URL:  http://www.mysql.org

Swatch, URL:  http://swatch.sourceforge.net/

"Syslog Analysis", by Harry Hoffman, http://www.ip-solutions.net/syslog-ng/  (check out the SL2 perl script)

Log Analysis Resources, Counterpane Internet Security, URL:  http://www.counterpane.com/log-analysis.html

Webmin - "A web-based interface for system administration for Unix", URL: http://www.webmin.com, (Webmin comes with a system log viewer)

There are several free software products (search sourceforge or google) that can run as a service and will convert your Windows event
logs to a syslogs and send them to a syslog server.  Here's an old one: http://ntsyslog.sourceforge.net/
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A candle loses nothing by lighting another.


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