[KLUG Members] RE:RE:{KLUG Members} KLUG lack of donations, volunteers, members

Jeremy Leonard members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 16:24:13 -0400 (EDT)

Just my take...
   I'm a somewhat new user here. About a year I think. I've been more than
happy with the friendlyness of the users on these lists. I've been on
other lists that get full of,  junk people arguing, people complaining
about eachother and stuff like that.

This list has been very professional, as a LUG should be. It's a
professional industry. If we really want Linux to be taken seriously in
the professional arena WE have to be professional. On this list issues are
discused, questions are answered, problems are solved.

As far as fellowship goes, goto a meeting, goto a sponsored event! 4th of
July party, Geek jeopardy, etc.

When it comes to recruiting members. I believe it's each individual
members responsability to recruit new members.

>From my expirence on this list, most people posting here have a problem
they want solved. Having your problem solved swiftly by an other friendly
user is quite a positive first impression if you ask me. It's also totaly
understandable when nobody knows the answer. If people don't know the
answer I don't want a message from every subscriber telling me they don't

Anyway, just my thoughts.


> Where I "get off" is being a Linux user in the Kalamazoo area, seeing a
> problem in the User Group closest to me, and caring enough to say
> something.
> I had the idea that a LUG should be more than an E-Mail Helpdesk, that
> it should also be about fellowship, and enthusiastic welcoming of new
> users of this powerful O.S. into this new world.
> When any group or club ceases to _actively_ welcome and recruit new
> members, (and I don't mean having a booth at the local fair, or a
> webpage with a "signup" link and a "novices" mailing list, I'm talking
> about the impression that people get from regular members in matters of
> common courtesy and enthusiasm for welcoming new users/potential
> members,) and ceases to have a sense of fellowship between the "old
> guard" and potential new members, that organisation has become stagnant
> and its' lifetime is limited. (As is its' value in promoting, and
> therefore assuring the life of, Linux.)
> Keep in mind that most "First Contacts" with KLUG, and possibly Linux,
> too, will come right here in the mailing lists, so here is where they
> will form the first impressions of KLUG, and possibly the Linux
> community in general. What impression(s) they come away with is up to
> you.
> This is not said with any vitriolic intentions, only as one that wishes
> only success for KLUG and Linux in general. My only motivation is to try
> and make both growing, vital groups that can attract and hold new
> users/members, and that reflect well on the Linux community and the
> members of the group.
> 	Thanks for your time,
> 	Victor
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