[KLUG Members] book suggestions for openldap

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 23:22:48 -0500

On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 03:38:25PM -0500, Adam Williams was only escaped
   alone to tell thee:

> If you try to go into LDAP via a "cookbook" your steaming down a blind
> alley, IMHO.  It is really best if you take some time to understand
> the directory oriented approach.  Obviously this is true of anything,
> but LDAP especially, and more so.

May I note that without some recipes, almost all Linux programs would go

I'm working with the padl.com migration scripts and have hit a rather
large snag: krbName is not defined in /etc/ldap/schema/krb5-kdc.schema,
but the padl.com scripts expect it to be there. Adam: what do I use
instead of krbName: krb5PrincipalName or krb5Principal? I think it's the

And may I say what a massive thrill it is to use the online migration
script only to have it fail on the slightest error? The offline attempt
ended in failure when my slapd database dared to have
"dn: dc=killdevil,dc=org" defined.

Reach low earth orbit and you're halfway
to anywhere in the solar system.