[KLUG Members] Squid setup recommendation

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:11:15 -0500

> Thanks a ton for the info, Bruce. I really hadn't thought of running more than
> one box. I'm not sure it's an option given hardware availability, but I will
> definitely look into it. I'm thinking a seperate partition for logs might be a
> good idea? 

Yes, definitely keep the logs on their own partition.
Or turn them off, if you don't need them.

> (My little ipcop box at home ran out of space for logs once...not cool!)

Upgrade to Devil-Linux!  (sorry, couldn't resist a chance for a plug :)

> How about a partition layout like this?
> /boot
> /var/log
> /var/cache
> /

Looks good.

I doubt /boot is needed for that box, but it doesn't hurt anything.

> I just subscribed to the squid lists. Squid config seems to be an art in and of
> itself. :)

It definitely has a lot more features than I've ever used!

The developers seem like pretty good guys too.  I contacted them once
about adding a patch I wrote for authorization.  They explained the
correct way to handle what I was doing.  :-)

They also got into the topic about authorization vs. authentication,
which I admit not giving much thought to before.  But I digress ... 
my point being the developers were very helpful.

 - BS