[KLUG Members] Need Spreadsheet Guru

Andrew Thompson members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 21:24:19 -0500

On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 16:12, Adam Williams wrote:
> I have a politically important user who want to make a spread sheet that
> takes data like -
> Customer|Year|Sales
> 2|2001|100.00
> and make a spreadsheet that looks like
> Customer|2001|2002|2003
> And fills in years without amounts with zero.
> So far I haven't been able to come up with something.  There must be
> some spreedsheet magic I don't know about since I'm sure I've seen this
> done.
> I'm using OOO1.1.x, he is using Excel 2000

He would use a Pivot Table. The OpenOffice equivalent (mostly, anyway)
is the DataPilot. Basically, to get the table you're describing, you
would drop the Customer heading in the row bar at the left, the Year in
the column bar across the top, and Sales right in the data area. It also
does grand totals for rows and columns, but you can turn either of those
off for any particular field if you want.

I'm not sure if you can force empty cells to display the zero or not in
either package. I haven't tried that.

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Andrew Thompson <tempes@ameritech.net>
The Imagerie