[KLUG Members] LTSP Presentation

Richard Zimmerman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 22:33:01 -0500

Hello all!

   First and foremost, my apologies for having to cancel my LTSP presentation
due to work conficts. :-(

   However, I'm not going to reschedule it for a few months yet. We folks at
the MLUG group more specifically Free Geek Michiana may have stumbled across


   This is NOT a shameless plug, only an explanation.

   Free Geek Michiana takes older computers (80486, P1, P2, P3's or any P4 you
have laying around :-)) and either recycle them into useable computers for the
poor who can not afford to purchase one. The computers that are not useable
are stripped of thier parts and recycle them to keep the hulks out of the
landfills! :-))))

   Our group being fairly new (started in mid 2002) are currently evaluating
lightweight Linux distros that can run on low resource computers. We are very
actively looking at Vector Linux 3.0. It has almost everything a person needs
for basic computing needs and occupies less then 500mb total! It's using IceWM
or .... Crap, I forget the other one...

   The cool thing is... We think we can build an LTSP server based on Vector
Linux! This wildly sadistic idea was only formed at the last lab(1/9/03) so
it's going to be a bit before we know something. I'm going to hold my
presentation until we can get an outcome on this. If it all works, it should
make for an exciting presentation... If not, hey we tried!!!! :-)

   Then again, we also going to setup a Token Ring lab because we have a TON
of 4/16mbit Token Ring cards and our group modo: "Because We Can!".... 

   Hey with group members named Goose, Wage Slace, Gnubie and Hitman, what do
you expect??? :-)
