[KLUG Members] LTSP Presentation

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
12 Jan 2003 19:09:46 -0500

>This is NOT a shameless plug, only an explanation.

I've got no problems with Linux activities being plugged here, shameless
or not.

>The cool thing is... We think we can build an LTSP server based on Vector
>Linux! This wildly sadistic idea was only formed at the last lab(1/9/03) so
>it's going to be a bit before we know something. I'm going to hold my
>presentation until we can get an outcome on this. If it all works, it should
>make for an exciting presentation... If not, hey we tried!!!! :-)

I'm curious what advantages are seen for a Vector Linux based LTSP
server?  I can understand seeking a light weight distro for antique
workstations,  but an antique LTSP server would probably provide a
pretty grim user experience.  (Although we ran 3 NCD X-Terminals off my
486DX33w/64Mb back in the day,  and once the applications
l--o--a--d--e--d it was quite usable.  And that was with Word Perfect,
probably one of the worst UNIX ports of all time).

>Then again, we also going to setup a Token Ring lab because we have a TON
>of 4/16mbit Token Ring cards and our group modo: "Because We Can!".... 

So no streaming video? :)