[KLUG Members] Re: Calling all Linux novices: -- standards, proprietary standards and neither ...

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
15 Jan 2003 20:21:57 -0500

>or other non-MS platforms, regarding how well it runs, based on your
>actual experience with it and whatever run-time environment you're using.

I have experience "integrating" Office on Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Windows
2000, and OO on Linux.  My church has representative users of all three,
and we do a fair amount of file swapping.  Obviously this is still
ancedotal, but I can tell ya' that Mac OS Office -> Open Office is often
more successful than Mac OS Office -> Win32 Office.  Win32 Office -> Mac
OS Office seems pretty reliable, but the other way around is just
freaky.  Font problems as usual, and images often look like they spent a
few hours locked in an iron box with a poltergeist.

But at least the trusty Linux box lets the Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, and
Windows 2000 merrily communicate with each other!  Net-a-talk, Samba,
and LDAP perform magnificently.