[KLUG Members] Re: Calling all Linux novices: -- Why moving files back to MS Word is difficult ...

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 12:04:55 -0500 (EST)

>To which email are you referring?
>Mine? Good luck - mutt on linux :-)

I've looked through the headers, no attachments other than an encryption 
key.  Virus must have already been there.

Those stupid *^@&)))C@ virus scanners VERY frequently identify 
non-infected mail as the source of a virus.  

I've just been through a brew-ha-ha about this.  Someone was convinced we 
were repeatedly sending him virii, even though we use Horde:IMP webmail 
on Linux (Sendmail, Cyrus SASL) and it all goes through a anti-viral 
milter.  Management was in a tizzy, wanted to know how this could happen,  
blah blah woof woof.  I dutifully scanned the local Win32 PC's, and guess 
what, found nothing.

Turns out the guy installed an infected shareware package on his own 
machine.  But the anti-viral please-make-me-feel-oh-so-safe-when-Im-not 
was "randomly" selecting new mail messages as infected.

I don't want to start a thread about anti-viral software, it just isn't an 
interesting topic.  But rest assured, you didn't get the virus from this 