[KLUG Members] Linux Password Manager

Mike Morrett members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:15:02 -0500

On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:07:10 -0800, "Jim C" <jcllings@tsunamicomm.net>
> Cutting and pasteing passwords?  Encrypted or in the clear?
> Doesn't sound very secure.  If we had more information on what your 
> objective is we might be able to suggest a better way to accomplish it.
> ;-)
> > I need to be able to cut and paste the Username and Password.

Today, in W2K, I use "ZDNet's Password Pro 32".  It allows me to store
about six fields about a site.  For example: Title, User Name, Password,

I have two ICONS I can click on that copies stuff to the clip-board, one
for Username and one for Password.

When I double-click on a Shortcut in this program, It launches IE
connecting to whatever site.  I then click on an ICON for the Username,
and then switch back to the Web page and paste the Username.  I do the
same for the Password.

In this program, I can view the Password clear or encrypted.  I can also
have it generate different types of passwords, ie: 6 or 8 chars,
with/without numbers, with/without CAP letters.  I can also see the last
4 passwords I have used at a site.

I can also make a paper copy that shows the clear passwords that I keep
in my 800# gun safe, in-case my PC dies, or is stolen.

This program has a master password.

No cream, no sugar, and death before decaf!