[KLUG Members] Cyrus IMAPD + Cyrus SASL2

Adam Bultman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:08:27 -0400 (EDT)

Greetings, everyone.  

It's me with yet another question, this time dealing with cyrus imapd and 
cyrus sasl2.  I've read about every single cyrus imapd howto on the planet 
at this point, and they seem lacking in a few areas. Areas that I could 
really use fleshed out, I might add.

I'm using Cyrus SASL2, which might be my problem.  I had some problems
integrating SASL2 with sendmail earlier, but this time I have succeeded
with integrating the two correctly.  I'm unsure if sasl2 will work well
with imapd (I assume it does). My problem is this:  Imapd (which, unlike 
the HOWTOs state, won't run from inetd, will only run from the cyrus 
master server) doesn't seem to know where the heck to find it's users.  
Imapd.conf looks like this: 

configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus root
srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
allowanonymouslogin: no
sasl_passwd_check: shadow

Identical to the howto's, you'll notice, but it currently says 'shadow'
where it has previously said, 'passwd', 'pam', 'sasldb', etc.  I've
been running through the options, seeing if any of them works in a last
ditch effort.

imtest returns an error: 

#su cyrus
$ imtest -m login -p imap localhost
Please enter your password:
C: L01 LOGIN cyrus {7}
S: + go ahead
C: <omitted>
S: L01 NO Login failed: user not found
Authentication failed. generic failure
Security strength factor: 0

Ok then, let's try cyradm: 
$ cyradm localhost
IMAP Password: 
Login failed: user not found at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/sparc-linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as cyrus

Logs say: 
Jul 16 11:51:33 luna imapd[16439]: badlogin: localhost[] 
plaintext cyrus SASL(-13): user not found: checkpass failed

And just to make sure: 
# /usr/local/sbin/sasldblistusers2 
cyrus@luna: userPassword
root@luna: userPassword

So, we have sasl knowing where, and what is in the sasl db file, we have 
imapd looking for (various) place for the logins, and yet, we have no 
logins.  I can't find too many sites with this unique problems (most 
people with these types of problems it seems are using ldap, kerberos, 
etc.  And yet, here I am, with the simplest of installs, with bubkes.

Here's my system setup:

Gentoo linux (sparc) 1.4
2x 4.3 GB drives
512 MB of RAM

Cyrus SASL v2.1.14
Cyrus imapd v 2.1.14
sendmail 8.12.9 (although sendmail is running fine, I believe)

I see no errors during compilation - no lib problems, no nothin'.  As far 
as I can tell, it's compiling and installing fine.

I dunno.  I'm about to roll back to cyrus 1.x, see what that does, but it 
seems that the two cyrus products should work fine togther.

 -- adamb@glaven.org
[ www.glaven.org ]