[KLUG Members] re: Revolutionary CD Drives & Rotations Per

Jamie McCarthy members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 21 Jul 2003 20:07:48 -0400

jcllings@tsunamicomm.net (Jim C) writes:

> > Do you have any idea how the ZBR knows where to put the data
> > when the tracks are different sizes?  I can't see any way of
> > doing it without some fairly complicated math.
> Seems odd.  Can't one use a simple table if one knows the size
> of the disk and the distance from center or edge?

All drives vary the number of sectors per track now.  And all modern
drive hardware makes it so the computer just doesn't need to know
that.  It's just sectors, numbered 0 to n, as far as the operating
system knows.

Slashdot ran a fun story on this recently:
