[KLUG Members] Scripting language

Jim C members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 09:52:34 -0700

>>doing this and the avowed reason was to avoid the possibility of having 
>>"script kiddies" mess around on the system.  Don't know if it works though.
>Javascript doesn't do anything to block script kiddies.  They can just
>form raw POST events with something like curl or wget.  Javascript is
>about improving the application interface by adding a bit of

The point about script kiddies had little to do with JavaScript which 
was mentioned merely as a way to check form data.  Probably it might 
have been omitted.
The point was that using binary CGI programs written in C++ for example, 
means that there are no server side scripts for such a larcenous 
individual to mess with.
I'm just not sure if binary programs are any safer because I am not much 
of a web programmer.  Depends on how you write them I suppose.  Secure 
code, buffer overruns and all that.

Jim C.