[KLUG Members] Speed comparison of all major Linux filesystems.

Robert G. Brown members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 13:56:08 -0400

On 31 Jul 2003 13:51:39 -0400, Bruce Smith <bruce@armintl.com> wrote:

>> Well, regardless of whose fault it was, 
>It was Adam's fault!  Pay attention!  :-)
Let's not look back, let's look forward! :)

>> I can  tell you that BSWare PRO worked vrey well. 
>Of course!  ;-)
And don't get cocky! :)
I must say I did a great job installing it! :)

>> ...If XFS ever comes back into the mainstream, I'd be quite pleased...
>I'm flattered you consider BSware "mainstream", but IMNOHO XFS has never
>been in the mainstream, because it's never been directly supported by
>any major distribution's installer (BSware-Pro excluded) that I know of.

>I'll agree with your above statement, removing the work "back".
OK, that's fine. I was thinking of direct RH support for XFS...

>I really hope that RH includes XFS in their upcoming releases that are
>based on the 2.6 kernel.  Installing XFS the manual way is a real pain
>when it comes to upgrading from one major release to another.
Right, and if Adam and I are the only people who order this, then there's
no real motivation for YOU to do this... perhaps, if RH doesn't support it,
you might want to show us (and any other interested parties) how to do this?

						---> RGB <---