[KLUG Members] run windows within linux

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
12 Jun 2003 11:19:59 -0400

> >Is there any good alternitive to use then. for most apps it's not a problem 
> >to find linux stuff to replace it but some I can't.  but like I mentioned 
> >before I have some VB apps I really need to keep going. and maybe a couple 
> >games my wife and I play. nothing really serious game wise. 
> Depending on the VB apps, someone may have written equivalent apps for
> Linux.  Search freshmeat.net to find out.
> Otherwise, if you wrote the apps and/or you have the source code, you
> may be able to port the apps to Linux.

If your a developer check out the Mono project,  they have some VB
compatibility stuff coming along, I have no idea what state it is in.

> If I had to run Windows programs under Linux, I'd probably try to get
> them working in Wine first.  

I'd try Wine, but don't expect much.

There is a special commercial version of Wine for running games
(Wine-X?) as well as a commercial version of Wine for running M$-Office
(Codeweavers).  I don't know how much better these version of Wine are
as I haven't tried them - if they are charging more than $1.99 they had
better be ALOT better.

> Because it's free, and it doesn't cost you
> anything to try the apps there first.  If the don't run correctly, then
> I'd spend the money for VMware.  (because I'm cheap, YMMV)  :-)

If I didn't alread own VMware i'd give BOCHs a whirl.

> FWIW, VMware allows you to run different OS's than just Windows.  You
> could run Mandrake inside of Redhat (or the other way around).  AND you
> can run more than one "guest OS" at a time (if you have enough memory).

One can create an entire heterogenous network on one computer, very nice